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5 Easy Steps to Writing the Perfect IB Physics EE Research Question (Including Detailed Examples)

ib physics ee
Sally Weatherly explaining how to write the perfect IB Physics research question including detailed examples

As an IB Physics student, the prospect of writing a 4000-word extended essay can be both exciting and daunting. Choosing a topic that is both interesting and feasible can be a difficult task, but it's an important first step in ensuring that your EE is a success.

There’s a certain step-by-step approach you can take to write the perfect IB Physics EE research question and it’s easy once you know what to do!

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the exact steps you should take to create the perfect IB Physics EE research question. 

Then I‘ll suggest different general topics that are suitable for an IB Physics EE and I’ll narrow down each general topic to give you a focussed research question, with a broad approach and potential outcome for each.


Each IB Physics EE research question in this blog post is generated using the following exact steps:

  1. Start with a general topic (e.g. the physics of sound)
  2. Write a starter question designed to generate ideas for narrowing down
  3. Decide on your research question by focussing only on one independent variable and one dependent variable
  4. Outline a broad approach to investigating your research question
  5. Brainstorm a potential outcome

Once you have followed these steps - you will have a full and detailed plan to take to your Physics EE supervisor. They will be able to guide you on the next steps for carrying out your practical work in your school laboratory.


One of the great things about studying physics is that it is a subject that is all around us, and it impacts our daily lives in many ways. I’ll be diving into topics like how the design and materials of electric motors impact their efficiency, how the launch angle and velocity of a projectile affect its trajectory, and how the design of a solar panel impact its efficiency.

The research questions and statement of purpose will serve as a starting point for you as you begin to narrow down your topic and determine a suitable method of investigation. You may find that one of these topics piques your interest and you'd like to dive deeper, or perhaps they will inspire you to come up with a topic of your own.

In any case, the goal of this post is to provide you with a starting point and to show you that there are many different topics within physics that are suitable for an extended essay. With the right focus and effort, you can create a well-written, insightful and engaging piece of work that will demonstrate your understanding and passion for the subject.

From roller coasters to solar energy, these topics cover a range of interests and offer plenty of opportunities for in-depth investigation and analysis.


Topic: The physics of roller coasters


Starter Question: How do the design and motion of roller coasters affect the rider experience?


This starter question is designed to spark some ideas for you to create your own focussed research question. You could analyse the physics of roller coasters by examining the various components of roller coaster design, such as the shape of the track, the use of G-forces, and the positioning of hills and drops. Explore how these design elements contribute to the sensation of thrill and excitement that riders experience on roller coasters.


Research Question 1: How does the track shape affect the rider's experience in terms of G-forces and sensation of thrill?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, data collection, and analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on roller coaster physics, as well as researching the design and engineering of roller coasters.

  2. Data collection: To investigate the relationship between track shape and rider experience, data needs to be collected on both the design and physical characteristics of roller coaster tracks, as well as the perceptions and experiences of riders. This could involve measuring G-forces on riders as they experience different parts of the track, as well as conducting surveys or interviews with riders to gather subjective data on their perceptions of thrill and excitement.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between track shape and rider experience, or using qualitative analysis to identify themes in the subjective data gathered from riders.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

Note that, it could be beneficial to visit different roller coaster parks and document the track shape and layout and then gather the data from riders after they ride those roller coasters to investigate the relationship between track shape and the rider's experience in terms of G-forces and sensation of thrill.

Potential outcome: The study may find that certain track shapes, such as steep drops and tight turns, lead to higher G-forces and a greater sensation of thrill for riders.


Research Question 2: How does the placement of hills and drops on a roller coaster track affect rider's perception of speed?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, data collection, and analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on roller coaster physics, as well as researching the design and engineering of roller coasters, and the psychology of perception and motion.

  2. Data collection: To investigate the relationship between the placement of hills and drops and rider's perception of speed, data needs to be collected on the track layout and design, as well as the perceptions and experiences of riders. This could involve measuring the actual speed of the roller coaster at different points on the track, as well as conducting surveys or interviews with riders to gather subjective data on their perceptions of speed.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between the placement of hills and drops and rider's perception of speed, or using qualitative analysis to identify themes in the subjective data gathered from riders.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

Note that, it could be beneficial to visit different roller coaster parks and document the placement of hills and drops on the track and then gather the data from riders after they ride those roller coasters to investigate the relationship between the placement of hills and drops and rider's perception of speed.

Potential outcome: The study may find that strategically placed hills and drops can create an illusion of higher speeds, even if the roller coaster is traveling at a lower velocity.


Topic: The Physics of Sound


Starter question: How do different factors affect the propagation of sound waves? 


This starter question is designed to spark some ideas for you to create your own focussed research question. You could investigate the physics of sound by studying the properties of sound waves, such as frequency, wavelength, and amplitude. I will also explore how different factors, such as temperature, humidity, and the presence of obstacles, impact the way that sound waves travel. Through a combination of laboratory experiments and research, you will gain a deeper understanding of the physics of sound and how it affects our everyday lives.


Research Question 1: How does the sound frequency affect the sound quality and clarity?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, experimentation, and data analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on the physics of sound and the human auditory system. Research on the relationship between sound frequency and sound quality and clarity in different audio recording, mixing and mastering technique will also help in understanding the subject matter.

  2. Experimentation: To investigate the relationship between sound frequency and sound quality and clarity, a series of controlled experiments need to be conducted. This could involve recording sounds at different frequencies and then playing them back to listeners, who will be asked to rate the sound quality and clarity. This could be done through A/B testing and/or psychoacoustic test, in a sound-proofed room.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between sound frequency and sound quality and clarity, or using qualitative analysis to identify themes in the subjective data gathered from listeners.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

It's important to note that the above approach is a broad outline, and the specific methods used for experimentation, data collection and analysis may vary depending on the resources available and the focus of the research.

Potential outcome: The study may find that certain frequencies, such as those in the mid-range, are more easily perceived by the human ear and lead to better sound quality and clarity.


Research Question 2: How does the temperature of the environment affect the speed of sound waves?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, experimentation, and data analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on the physics of sound waves, as well as researching how temperature affects the properties of air and other media that sound waves travel through.

  2. Experimentation: To investigate the relationship between temperature and the speed of sound waves, a series of controlled experiments need to be conducted. This could involve measuring the speed of sound waves at different temperatures in a controlled environment, such as a laboratory or anechoic chamber. The temperature can be controlled by either by using a Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system or by using heaters or cooling devices.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between temperature and the speed of sound waves, or using mathematical models to predict the behavior of sound waves in different temperature conditions.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

It's important to note that the above approach is a broad outline, and the specific methods used for experimentation, data collection and analysis may vary depending on the resources available and the focus of the research. Additionally, one may also include measurement of the temperature and humidity of the environment to gain a better understanding of the effect of environment on the sound waves.

Potential outcome: The study may find that humidity and temperature have a significant impact on the speed of sound waves and how they propagate through the air.


Topic: The physics of wind power


Starter question: How does the design of a wind turbine impact its efficiency?


Examine the physics behind wind power generation by studying the design and operation of wind turbines. Focus on how the size and shape of the turbine blades, the height of the turbine, and the wind conditions at the site all impact the efficiency of the turbine. Through research and the collection of data from existing wind turbines, you will explore ways to improve the design of wind turbines and increase their efficiency.


Research Question 1: How does the diameter of the turbine blades impact the efficiency of wind turbines?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, experimentation, and data analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on wind turbine physics, as well as researching the design and engineering of wind turbine blades and the relationship between blade diameter and wind turbine efficiency.

  2. Experimentation: To investigate the relationship between blade diameter and wind turbine efficiency, a series of controlled experiments can be conducted. This could involve building or procuring a set of wind turbine models with different blade diameters, then measuring their power output, torque, and overall efficiency under controlled wind conditions. The turbine can be tested in a wind tunnel or using a wind simulator.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between blade diameter and wind turbine efficiency, or using mathematical models to predict the behavior of wind turbine under different blade diameter conditions.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

It's important to note that the above approach is a broad outline, and the specific methods used for experimentation, data collection and analysis may vary depending on the resources available and the focus of the research. Additionally, one may also consider testing the turbine blades with different wind speeds and turbulence conditions, to understand the behavior of the turbine in different weather conditions, or include measurements on the structural design of the blades and the dynamic response to investigate the relationship between blade diameter and efficiency.

Potential outcome: The study may find that larger diameter blades or blades with a particular design shape lead to improved efficiency in wind turbine performance.


Research Question 2: How does the height of the turbine above ground level impact the turbine's efficiency?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, experimentation, and data analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on wind turbine physics, as well as researching the design and engineering of wind turbine tower and the relationship between the height of the turbine above ground level and wind turbine efficiency.

  2. Experimentation: To investigate the relationship between the height of the turbine above ground level and wind turbine efficiency, a series of controlled experiments can be conducted. This could involve building or procuring a set of wind turbine models with different tower heights, and then measuring their power output, torque, and overall efficiency under controlled wind conditions. The turbine can be tested in a wind tunnel or using a wind simulator.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between the height of the turbine above ground level and wind turbine efficiency, or using mathematical models to predict the behavior of wind turbine under different tower height conditions.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

It's important to note that the above approach is a broad outline, and the specific methods used for experimentation, data collection and analysis may vary depending on the resources available and the focus of the research. Additionally, one may also consider testing the turbine under different wind speeds, and turbulence conditions, at different heights above ground level, to understand the behavior of the turbine in different weather and terrain conditions. The study could also include measurements of wind speed and direction at different heights to gain a better understanding of how wind patterns change with altitude, and how that affects the efficiency of the turbine. Other considerations include the effect of nearby buildings, trees, and other obstacles on wind flow, which could affect the results. It could also be beneficial to conduct experiments on different types of turbines, such as horizontal-axis and vertical-axis turbines, to compare the effects of height on their efficiency.

Potential outcome: The study may find that turbines located at a higher elevation, where wind speeds are stronger, have a higher level of efficiency than turbines placed at lower elevations.


Topic: The Physics of Electric Motors


Starter Question: How do the design and materials of electric motors impact their efficiency?


Investigate the physics behind electric motors by studying the various components that make up the motor, such as the stator, rotor, and windings. Explore how the choice of materials, such as the type of metal used for the windings, affects the efficiency of the motor. Through a combination of laboratory experiments and research, you will gain a deeper understanding of the physics of electric motors and how they can be optimized for increased efficiency.


Research Question 1: How does the number of poles in an electric motor affect its performance?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, experimentation, and data analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on electric motor physics, and researching the design and engineering of electric motors, specifically the effect of number of poles on their performance.

  2. Experimentation: To investigate the relationship between the number of poles in an electric motor and its performance, a series of controlled experiments can be conducted. This could involve building or procuring a set of electric motors with different number of poles (e.g 2, 4, 6, 8) and then measuring their performance such as speed, torque, power, and efficiency under controlled conditions. This can be done by controlling the voltage, current and load applied to the motor.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between the number of poles and the motor performance, or using mathematical models to predict the behavior of electric motor under different number of poles conditions.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

It's important to note that the above approach is a broad outline, and the specific methods used for experimentation, data collection and analysis may vary depending on the resources available and the focus of the research. Additionally, other factors that could also impact the performance of the motor, such as the type of winding and the material of the stator and rotor, should also be kept consistent across all the motors used in the experiments. Furthermore, this experiment can be extended by studying the effect of different numbers of pole on the motor's other characteristics such as its power factor, frequency, and so on.

Potential outcome: The study may find that motors with a higher number of poles tend to run at a higher RPM but with lower torque, while motors with a lower number of poles tend to run at lower RPM with higher torque.


Research Question 2: How does the winding arrangement in an electric motor affect its performance?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, experimentation, and data analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on electric motor physics, and researching the design and engineering of electric motors, specifically the different types of winding arrangements and how they impact the performance of an electric motor.

  2. Experimentation: To investigate the relationship between the winding arrangement in an electric motor and its performance, a series of controlled experiments can be conducted. This could involve building or procuring a set of electric motors with different winding arrangements (e.g. series, parallel, delta, wye) and then measuring their performance such as speed, torque, power, and efficiency under controlled conditions. This can be done by controlling the voltage, current and load applied to the motor.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between the winding arrangement and the motor performance, or using mathematical models to predict the behavior of electric motor under different winding arrangement conditions.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes.

Potential outcome: The study may find that certain winding arrangements such as double layer, single layer and distributed winding may lead to improve performance in terms of high torque and low noise level.


Topic: The Physics of Solar Energy


Starter question: How does the design of a solar panel impact its efficiency?


Examine the physics behind solar energy generation by studying the design and operation of solar panels. Focus on how the angle and orientation of the panel, the materials used to create the panel, and the presence of dust and other obstructions affect the efficiency of the panel. Through research and the collection of data from existing solar panels, you will explore ways to improve the design of solar panels and increase their efficiency.


Research Question 1: How does the angle of incidence of sunlight on a solar panel affect its efficiency?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, experimentation, and data analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on solar panel physics and technology, as well as researching the effect of the angle of incidence of sunlight on the efficiency of solar panels.

  2. Experimentation: To investigate the relationship between the angle of incidence of sunlight on a solar panel and its efficiency, a series of controlled experiments can be conducted. This could involve building or procuring a solar panel and measuring its power output, voltage and current at different angles of incidence under controlled lighting conditions. This could be done by building a setup where the angle of incidence of sunlight can be changed by rotating the panel or by using a sun simulator.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between the angle of incidence of sunlight and the efficiency of the solar panel, or using mathematical models to predict the behavior of solar panel under different angle of incidence conditions.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

It's important to note that the above approach is a broad outline, and the specific methods used for experimentation, data collection and analysis may vary depending on the resources available and the focus of the research. Additionally, other factors such as the type of solar panel, temperature, and weather conditions should also be controlled or recorded during the experimentation to ensure that the results accurately reflect the effect of angle of incidence on the efficiency of solar panels.

Potential outcome: The study may find that solar panels that are angled towards the sun at an optimal degree, known as the "angle of incidence" have a higher efficiency than those that are not optimally angled.


Research Question 2: How does the concentration of dust and other particles on the surface of a solar panel affect its efficiency?

Broad Approach: 

can be approached using a combination of research, experimentation, and data analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on solar panel physics and technology, as well as researching the effect of dust and other particles on the efficiency of solar panels.

  2. Experimentation: To investigate the relationship between the concentration of dust and other particles on the surface of a solar panel and its efficiency, a series of controlled experiments can be conducted. This could involve building or procuring a solar panel and measuring its power output, voltage and current before and after exposing it to different levels of dust and other particles, under controlled lighting conditions. This could be done by building a setup where dust and other particles are controlled and can be added to the solar panel in controlled amounts.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between the concentration of dust and other particles on the surface of the solar panel and its efficiency.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

It's important to note that the above approach is a broad outline, and the specific methods used for experimentation, data collection and analysis may vary depending on the resources available and the focus of the research. Additionally, to ensure that the results accurately reflect the effect of dust and other particles on the efficiency of solar panels, it is important to keep the other environmental factors such as temperature and humidity controlled during the experimentation.

Potential outcome: The study may find that a build-up of dust and other particles on the surface of a solar panel can greatly decrease its efficiency, which may require regular cleaning to maintain optimal performance.


Topic: The physics of buoyancy


Starter Question: How does the density and shape of an object affect its buoyancy?


 Investigate the physics of buoyancy by conducting experiments to study the effect of density and shape on the buoyancy of objects. Analyse how various factors such as temperature, pressure and the properties of the fluid affect buoyancy. Through laboratory experiments and mathematical analysis, gain a deeper understanding of the physics of buoyancy and its applications in everyday life such as in ships and submarines.


Research Question 1: How does the shape of an object affect its buoyancy?

Broad Approach: This can be approached using a combination of research, experimentation, and data analysis.

  1. Research: Before beginning any experiments or data collection, it would be beneficial to conduct extensive research on the subject. This can include reading scientific studies and articles on the physics of buoyancy and fluid mechanics, as well as researching the relationship between the shape of an object and its buoyancy.

  2. Experimentation: To investigate the relationship between the shape of an object and its buoyancy, a series of controlled experiments can be conducted. This could involve building or procuring a set of objects with different shapes (e.g. spheres, cylinders, cones, cubes, etc.) and then measuring their buoyancy by observing how they float in water or other fluids, under controlled conditions. The weight and volume of each object can also be measured to compare the densities as well.

  3. Data analysis: Once data has been collected, it needs to be analyzed to identify patterns and trends. This could involve using statistical analysis to identify correlations between the shape of an object and its buoyancy, or using mathematical models to predict the behavior of an object under different shape conditions.

  4. Results and conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions on the research question, and discuss the outcomes. Identify any limitations of the study, and suggest directions for future research.

It's important to note that the above approach is a broad outline, and the specific methods used for experimentation, data collection and analysis may vary depending on the resources available and the focus of the research.

Potential outcome: The study may find that the shape of an object plays an important role in its buoyancy, and that objects with a more streamlined shape tend to be more buoyant than those with a less streamlined shape.

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